Looking Inside



You have reached the page showing some of the eight visual journals I rely on to record musings, creative processes, the weather, travels, whimsical images and, conversely, to process the political corruption, war, and violence our culture submits to. I’m showing some of them here because they are important to me and may be inspirational for you. (in progress)


Journal #1 (2009)

7 1/2″ x 6 1/4″ closed – 50 pages



Journal #2 (2009 con’t)

7″ x 10″ closed – 50 pages



Journal #3 (2010-11)

6 1/4″ x 6 1/4″ closed – 40 pages



Journal #4 (2012-13)

8″ x 8″ closed – 50 pages



Journal #5 (2013-14)

8″ x 12″ x 8″ closed



Journal #6 (2014-15)

6 1/2/” x 7 1/2/” closed – 50 pages


Journal #7 (2015-16-17)